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Space Ranger 2

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Space Ranger 2 Empty Space Ranger 2

Post by God~of~Cats Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:39 pm



Space Ranger 2 920464_54163_frontmodified

Selama perang melawan Ras Klissans 300 tahun yang lalu, demi mengalahkan ras asing tersebut semua spesies (human, Gaalians, Faeyans, Pelengs, dan Maloqs) membuat sebuah teknologi self-replicated robot modules (modul robot yang mampu membuat replika dirinya sendiri,pokoknya robot canggih). Bertahun-tahun kemudian, kelima spesies ini memutuskan untuk melupakan dan memusnahkan teknologi ini karena dinilai sudah tidak dibutuhkan lagi. Tetapi secara diam-diam, bangsa Maloqs menyembunyikan sisa-sisa modul tersebut di planet yang sangat jauh. Sayangnya, ras Klissans mengambil alih planet tersebut. Karena Marah, bangsa Maloqs pun membombardir planet tersebut dengan bom nuklir dengan tujuan memusnahkan ras Klissans beserta modul robot mereka. Tetapi, ternyata ada beberapa bagian dari ras Klissans dan modul robot yang berhasil bertahan dari bencana itu, dan dari kombinasi kedua makhluk tersebut muncullah ras baru yaitu Dominators, sebuah ras robot yang memiliki tujuan mutlak yaitu menaklukan jagat raya. Dan sekali lagi para ranger di panggil untuk menaklukan ras Dominator.

nah setelah membaca prolog yang gak jelas, mungkin kalian masih bingung tentang gameplay dari game ini. Di Game ini, anda berperan sebagai ranger muda yang tidak dikenal dan tidak memiliki apa2 selain pesawat luar angkasa. Inti cerita dari game ini adalah menemukan cara untuk menghancurkan ras dominator tersebut. Di game ini tidak ada alur cerita, dan anda di berikan kebebasan mutlak dalam mengarungi kehidupan anda di luar angkasa, jadi dari awal permainan, anda bisa langsung melawan bangsa dominators.

Untuk melawan para dominator pastinya anda membutuhkan pesawat pribadi yang sangat kuat dan sekaligus armada perang yang solid, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut tentunya dibutuhkan uang yang tidak sedikit. di game ini anda di berikan banyak cara dalam mendapatkan uang, yaitu dengan berdagang, merampas barang dagangan orang lain, menjalankan misi, bunga dari bank, atau meminta uang keamanan dari pesawat lain(dasar preman).

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Nah, baguskan gamenya? buruan deh dicoba..pasti gak nyesel....
si remick punya masternya....huehuehuehue serbu~~~

yg sering nge cheat nih aku kasi cheatnya...

To activate cheats, hold down Ctrl + Shift whilst typing the cheat.
There is now no limit to cheat use.

repair fly into sun, full repair of items
superhull increases hull size
Drop nearest ship drops everything not needed for movement
hugemoney [as above] 100,000 credits
bigmoney [at any planet's equipment screen] 10,000 credits
boom [in hyperspace] destroys all enemies unless Keller is present
nextrank [in military base] get next military rank
rangerpoints [in ranger station] gain 1000 ranger points
packing [in space] reduces weight/size of equipped standard items by half
rndbase [on a plant] random base forms in the current system, max 3

Shift+Ctrl + [money] 10,000cr - 60 points [Can be entered at planet screen, equipment store screen, or space screen]

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+CoolWeapon [100] In the planet screen, typing the code will add one high level weapon in the equipment store

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Pirates [100]In a pirate station, the code will produce one pirate in each controlled sectors.

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+PelengSurprise [100]Peleng weapons will have double range and every non-peleng planet and civilians will hate you

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+HateRangers [10]All non-ranger ships will turn hostile. Planets and rangers remain the same

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanItem [160] In a Science station, typing this code will give you one piece of Klissan equipment

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+WeaponStrength [200] In the pirates base, typing the code will increase yours and pirates' damage by 10-20. You will turn to a pirate with planets hating you.

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanCall [20] Calls one fleet of Dominators to your location

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanMax [20] Gives the Dominators a fleet per planet they own

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+OpenMapSector [20] In a pirate station, Reveals an unrevealed map sector

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+LowCostWeapon [20] In the planet screen, typing this code will set one random weapon cost to 1 credit

Shift+Ctrl+RndBase [30]Creates a random base (science, Business, Ranger, Military, Medical) in your sector

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Repair [40] Fly into the sun and you will recieve a full repair

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Drop [60] Nearest ship will drop all items not related to space travel ie. Engine and Fuel

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Bomb [60]In space, typing this code will put 2 Quark Bombs in your inventory

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+ Artefact [Use in hyperspace] Get a random artefact in your inventory

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+ 10Bomb [use in space] It spawns Quark Bombs around you, and blows up at next day. HINT: don't move or it'll kill you

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+ illness [use in space] You get sick with all illnesses

GUN - Gives one of each weapon.
VERTIX - Gives 5 light vertixes.
DEVICE - Gives a complete set of top-tier equipment.
ARTS - Gives one of each artefact.
MODULE - Gives one of each MicroModules
SKILL - maximizes all skills.
PROGRAM - 100 copies of all programs
ILLNESS - Inflicts player with all possible diseases, which will last exactly one year.
STIMULANT - Applies all stimulants to player - they all last one year.
IDEAL - Transforms the player's hull into an "Ideal" class hull.
SHOWMAP - reveals whole map.
MEDAL - gives all medals, which player don't have.
HOLE - Creates a blackhole and allows you to choose which hyperspace map you want it to lead to. Will deposit you into the system you left from.

HORROR - turns on terrible Dominators
NIGHTMARE - turns on nightmarish Dominators
HELL - turns on hellish Dominators

TECHNIC - Equipment stops deteriorating.
AMMO - Turns on unlimited ammo and fuel. Weapons no longer need to recharge in hyperspace.
GOD - Invulnerability.

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Space Ranger 2 Empty Re: Space Ranger 2

Post by God~of~Cats Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:41 pm

master yang di remick sudah expansion terbaru, "Reboot" jadi gak perlu cari2 exp.pack lagi

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Space Ranger 2 Empty Re: Space Ranger 2

Post by CyborgCat Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:43 am

wah perlu ke kostnya r3m1ck neh heuheuehueheu... sayang q masih di bandung... Laughing


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